Monday, May 30, 2011

lionel messi 2011

lionel messi 2011. soccer player Lionel Messi
  • soccer player Lionel Messi

  • paduck
    Aug 3, 06:54 PM
    It has a lot of standard features, and seems to be more on the premium targeted market vs. regular sedans.

    Did the Preius start out on the expensive side as well?

    Well, the Prius carries about a $5000 price premium compared with a comprable Toyota or Honda. But it sells for $24k without as big a tax credit (if any). So I'd have to say that the Prius Premium isn't close to that of the Volt. Plus, you can fit three car seats in a Prius. The Volt is a four-seater.

    lionel messi 2011. lionel messi 2011 barcelona.
  • lionel messi 2011 barcelona.

  • zoetropeuk
    Sep 26, 07:15 AM
    I am the owner of a Fuji S3 Pro and I bought Aperture 1 about a year ago ($499). And there was no support for Fujifilm Raw files. I returned the item to Apple.

    I checked again today and the Fuji S3 Pro file format is now listed in the Camera Supported page Apple posted for Aperture 1.5 (

    The web page says OPTIMIZED Support. see below

    Aperture 1.5 supports the RAW formats from the following digital cameras, providing optimized support to those cameras followed with an asterisk (*). Shoot JPEG? Using Aperture, you can import JPEG images from virtually all digital cameras.

    FinePix S2 Pro*
    FinePix S3 Pro*

    Does anyone know what this is about?

    Isn't it obvious :eek:

    lionel messi 2011. foto lionel messi 2011
  • foto lionel messi 2011

  • Warbrain
    Sep 12, 08:46 AM
    2. New iPods. Wide-screen iPod with 720x480 resolution, perfect for wide-screen DVD quality movies. Touch interface. New Nano's, all-metal casing, 4 colors, up to 8GB. All available starting today.

    Probably not. They'll release new nanos after the student rebate is over.

    lionel messi 2011. Lionel Messi 2011
  • Lionel Messi 2011

  • nagromme
    Aug 7, 03:57 PM
    There were updates. ( Better brightness and contrast ratio on the 20" and 23".
    Someone said those brightness updates happened weeks ago. True?

    Nice either way!

    I too am holding out for a true next generation... maybe with new larger sizes, iSight, or new connectivity. But if I needed a display now, it's not as easy to choose a Dell anymore :)


    lionel messi 2011. LIONEL MESSI 2011 BARCELONA

  • ct2k7
    Apr 17, 08:15 PM
    Anyone to comment on the iPhone pics at

    lionel messi 2011. and though Lionel Messi
  • and though Lionel Messi

  • sockdoggy
    Nov 23, 11:09 PM
    meh I'd assume on par with the american ones, it's a nice gesture to extend it to canadians as well, but at the same time I'm not sure how i feel about having black friday migrate north of the border.

    If it doesn't migrate North, we migrate South anyways.


    lionel messi 2011. lionel messi 2011 barcelona.
  • lionel messi 2011 barcelona.

  • macenforcer
    Nov 24, 02:39 PM
    You are correct!

    I should go back to the Apple store, and give them $101 + the extra tax associated (making it $107.56) for the MacBook I just bought. Only because this sale is lame! :rolleyes:

    Yeah you should. You could have gotten it cheaper from Macconnection. No tax, free shipping, free carrying case, free mouse and $100 off. Hmmm :rolleyes:

    lionel messi 2011. lionel messi 2011 barcelona.
  • lionel messi 2011 barcelona.

  • fivepoint
    May 4, 05:55 PM
    Dude, you're clueless.

    I have a severe congenital hearing loss and it's really amazing how parents don't really understand the long term consequences of poor hearing protection.

    Just as in almost all other health matters, the more exposure to loud noises when young, the more likely a child is to end up with a hearing loss as he ages. Some parents do insist on hearing protection when using firearms, but I'm sure there are a lot that don't. Shooting guns without hearing protection is like taking a five year old to a Nascar race. Very, very irresponsible simply based on the noise level.

    I'm sure Dr Choi was speaking of the danger of firearms being discharged by and around children with a lack of supervision, but your tunnel vision when it comes to the health and safety of children is appalling.

    I think it's you who's clueless. You make it seem as if it's the role of government and physicians to eliminate risk in our lives. What's more risky, taking your kid to a NASCAR event without hearing protection, or raising them in a large city with lots of traffic and crime? What's more risky, raising your kids in a home with un-locked guns, or raising them with an ultra-protective disregard for a child's need to learn life lessons and experience the value of trust/responsibility first hand?

    My dad had a rifle hanging on a gun-rack above his computer in his office for my entire life. The ammunition was directly below the gun in a drawer as part of the gun-rack. I was raised to respect the weapon and to never touch it unless I was given permission. I earned my parents' trust, and learned responsibility as a consequence. Was that wrong of my parents? Absolutely not, but I guess I'm just 'clueless.'

    Where do you live? Cedar Rapids, where the nearest next physician is five or ten minutes away, at most? What if you were in Guttenberg, where the next physician is half an hour or more? Open-ended liberty to refuse to provide treatment at a whim is just plain irresponsible.

    An unpopular physician creates the market demand for an alternative. Supply, unencumbered by any sort of rationing by the gov't subsidized higher-education system, would produce the complimentary supply.

    In any event, do you seriously contend that this is a situation solveable by by big intrusive government controlling physicians and eliminating their ability to render services as they see fit?


    lionel messi 2011. lionel messi 2011 wallpaper.
  • lionel messi 2011 wallpaper.

  • ero87
    Nov 26, 12:06 AM
    ahh i miss real rumors! exciting new stuff!

    I guess I can't expect apple to ALWAYS have new stuff, but sales just don't excite me very much...

    lionel messi 2011. messi 2011 pics. Lionel Messi
  • messi 2011 pics. Lionel Messi

  • Platform
    Oct 3, 06:43 PM
    What a surprise...hehe

    No one else could really do it as well anyway ;)

    Leopard needs more new features...Safari, OS general improvements etc...:D


    lionel messi 2011. lionel messi 2011
  • lionel messi 2011

  • MacAodh
    Sep 12, 05:38 AM
    i've a feeling that there's some wierd law that i heard of that all films being launched europe wide had to be launched simultanously in all languages. not sure if that's true or not but that might affect european films coming through (sorry bout the spelling, me no like words :) )

    lionel messi 2011. lionel messi 2011 goals.
  • lionel messi 2011 goals.

  • Oblivious
    Jul 25, 12:11 AM
    I hope it turns out nicely... the iPod needs a good competitor to keep the engineers at Apple on their toes.:)

    Alas, if it ends up very similar to that proto design, it's doomed to fail. It looks ugly as *****. Microsoft.:rolleyes:


    lionel messi 2011. lionel messi 2011 goals.
  • lionel messi 2011 goals.

  • quagmire
    Nov 14, 08:52 PM
    I finally tried playing some of the campaign tonight. I've only made it about 4 missions in, but so far I can safely say, it is the worst thing I've ever played. It is nothing but endless sequences of "monster closet" events, with little to no indication as to what you are supposed to be doing, with your crappy "Partners" doing nothing but yelling incomprehensible things at you. Quite a mess.

    Yeah. I liked MW2's campaign better. It may be because I am from the DC area so it was quite weird seeing it war torn.

    lionel messi 2011. lionel-messi-2011_2556485
  • lionel-messi-2011_2556485

  • geoffism
    Jan 9, 10:59 AM
    My needs are basic and selfish:

    iPhone - 3G and 16g
    MacBook Pro - bump (highly unlikely) and only cause I'm in the market.
    Mac Pro - nothing. It sounds perfect and has only complicated my purchase consideration. Mac Pro vs MacBook Pro. Hmmmm....


    lionel messi 2011. Lionel Messi 2011.
  • Lionel Messi 2011.

  • MagicBoy
    Mar 24, 08:18 PM
    It's drifting off topic. I'm not going to turn a "Happy Birthday OS X" thread into a the time honoured "Windows sucks" debate. If anyone wants to discuss it then I suggest they create a new thread called "Windows vs Mac part 677249 (cont)"

    lionel messi 2011. star.
  • star.

  • robotartfashion
    Dec 10, 06:09 PM
    stop appreciating the Name of the game instead of the game itself...this game is awful. You're making excuses and justifying the stupid **** that the game has and dealing with it.

    When you're playing a game and players start spawning directly behind you and shooting you in the back EVERY SINGLE MATCH, its time to realize that the game sucks.

    When you're playing a WAR game and cannot be a successful sniper in it, its time to realize the game sucks.

    The maps are too small and the Spawns suck causing multiplayer to blow. If you want to make excuses for all the nonsense and frustration in the game and play on...then have at it. But the game is not nearly as good as Modern Warfare 2.

    Here's the thing Vidder, when you're debating something with someone and you're constantly shouting and belittling their opinions odds are YOU AREN'T GOING TO CHANGE THEIR MINDS!

    To EACH THEIR OWN, personally, I was not a fan of Modern Warfare 2 but I like Black Ops. I also love Bad Company 2 which does allow sniping. For me, Black Ops and MW2 are both very arcadey shooters. I expect running and gunning and no realism. It's all down to twitch controls and covering mechanics with teammates.

    I would say that you are more likely to get "sniper" kills on Hardcore mode as their is no kill cam and pretty much instantaneous deaths. Regardless, as in real life, if you are in a CQB situation (which most of these maps in Black Ops are) you are going to run the risk of getting stabbed/shot/bitch slapped in the back if you are concentrating on the other end of the street while staring down a scope. You do have the option to watch your back with: claymores, friends, or the sticky cam.

    Please above all, calm down. Oh, and have a great day :)


    lionel messi 2011. lionel messi 2011 barcelona.
  • lionel messi 2011 barcelona.

  • smacsteve
    Jan 15, 11:49 PM
    I was very disappointed with the keynote. I have no need for an :apple:TV, I am slightly upset that the iPod touch update costs money. The time capsule may be interesting, but nothing I plan on getting anytime soon. I did get excited when the MacBook air was introduced, but then after the keynote when I was checking prices on the BTO parts to see how long until I would have enough money to buy it I realized that it had a glossy screen which I will never buy so what would have been an otherwise almost perfect powerbook 12" replacement was ruined.

    I don't think this was meant to be a replacement for the 12" PowerBook that so many have been longing for. I think that we could still see a 13.3" MBP that would be better suited for a power user on the go. Remember that this is a consumer event and we could see something at WWDC or another event to bring back this long awaited item.

    lionel messi 2011. Lionel Messi 2011 Barcelona.
  • Lionel Messi 2011 Barcelona.

  • Melrose
    Mar 6, 07:02 PM
    The scary thing is is that you actually believe this nonsense.

    I think you're missing the forest for the trees. Offering near-identical features on cheap-quality devices has happened. LTD can be fanboyishly irritating (no offense) but the point stands - he didn't say there were no high-end handsets from the competition, he said companies flood the market with cheap electronics... which they do.

    lionel messi 2011. See All Lionel Messi Pics »
  • See All Lionel Messi Pics »

  • Small White Car
    Oct 17, 08:59 AM
    I'm not sure about what you're saying here, because content producers will still be having to supply the same film in two different formats.

    They'll likely drop the less popular format, and thus, we'll have a winner.

    Jan 9, 02:58 PM
    Okay. I don't know when the keynote will update but I'll do what I usually do. Now that I already know the products, I'll go to and check the site and then watch the keynote later to see them "in action". This is what I usually do, anyway.

    Jul 25, 12:03 AM
    I'd be worried about that exept one incontrovertible fact. Steve Jobs has more creative spark in his left pinky than M$ does in it whole genetic tree.

    I think that's the idea. The implication I got was that they were going to give Microsoft a generous stretch of rope and let them hang themselves.


    Apr 13, 12:53 PM
    When was the last time a European or Japanese plane were hijacked before 9/11? That's an ambiguous statistic. Nobody was hijacking planes before and nobody's hijacked planes since.
    1980s - Aer Ligus Dublin - London; Air France Frankfurt - Paris; Rio Airways Killen, Texas - Dallas, Texas; TWA Athens - Beirut; Egypt Air Athens - Cairo; Malev Hungarian Airlines Prague - ?? ;

    1990s - Lufthansa Frankfort - Cairo; FedEx flight Memphis - ??; Air Malta Malta - Turkey; All Nippon (domestic flight);

    I've only listed those flights that departed from a European (and one Japanese) airport.... not European airlines that departed from non-European airports. After 9/11 there were still a number of hijackings, but the closest they come to European departure points are Nicosia, and Tirana. Though there was one from a Mexican Airport and one from a Caribbean airport. The Mexican hijacking was by a man threatening a bomb, but I don't think they actually found one.

    Nobody hijacks Israeli planes either, and they're subject to much more terrorist attention than we are.
    I'm not sure of your point. But the Israelis use a different screening model, plus they need to look after only a handful of airports domestically. At airports internationally they screen passengers themselves after the local authorities have screened the passengers.... so everybody gets screened twice, and in two different ways.

    In fact, TSA has twice failed to stop a bomber on a plane since 9/11. Both the shoe bomber and the underwear bomber were stopped by passengers.

    TSA's measures aren't working, but a measure of common sense can easily mitigate the damage of someone smuggling a boxcutter or knife on to a plane.

    And how may people have the TSA found? And how many people have not even bothered to try, because they were afraid of getting caught?

    Apr 15, 05:15 PM
    How is "gay history" different than regular history? lol

    FABULOUS, yes, but seriously, try BRILLIANT.

    Many, many, works of art, of whatever medium, will be lost without "gay history".

    Mar 17, 08:36 AM
    OMG you people are completely overreacting. Do you know how often cashiers make mistakes such as this? If every store fired every cashier that came up short on their register at least once in their retail career, their would probably no cashiers. It's a common mistake that happens more often than you think and most stores just take it as a lost and go about business as usual. So, unless the cashier is completely incompetent and this incident is a repeat occurrence, I doubt he'll get fired.

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